My Nine Somethings for April


Morning friends!

I can’t believe May is here. 0_0 Someone stop time, please.

What did you do with your April? I spent mine working, writing, and crying over people that don’t exist.

Anyone else?

Anyone? Continue reading “My Nine Somethings for April”

My 15 Somethings for Januaryish (Part 2)

Hey friends!

Here is the second part of my Somethings, as promised.

Something Sad

I’m all alone.

My sister headed back to college last month. Cedarville isn’t too far away, but it still feels weird. We’ve been together my entire life, and now she’s gone. *sniffs* Gone!

Ok, maybe I’m being dramatic, but still. Darn growing up.

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(Me and sis. I’m the one staring at the ground because I’m that photogenic.)


(Me and sis. I’m the one staring at the ground because I’m that photogenic.)

Something Deep

I had an article published by KP that hit pretty close to home. Many writers struggle with comparison and placing their worth in how well they write (including yours truly). In the article I wrote, I addressed these harmful patterns. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite articles that I’ve written.

Click here if you want to check it out. Continue reading “My 15 Somethings for Januaryish (Part 2)”

My 13 Somethings For August (And My Relocation)


I think that was the laziest greeting ever. Forgive me.

I am now a collegeling, my friends (*gasp*). So far, I have survived (sure, it has only been three and a half weeks, but who’s counting?). My survival has involved many dangerous activities and efforts like…well, I’ll get into that.

Behold, my Somethings for the month of August!

Something Fun

Bible studies. During my senior year in high school I had the fortune (or misfortune, depending on how much one values one’s sanity) of attending a Bible study group at my youth pastor’s house. This study was also attended by with a bunch of other psychos (*cough* not me, of course *cough* I’m perfectly normal). Continue reading “My 13 Somethings For August (And My Relocation)”